Cleveland Demographics Quick Facts


Population                                                                                         Cleveland                 Ohio               U.S.


Population, 2012 Census estimate                                                            390,928       11,544,225  313,873,685


Persons under 5 years old, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                                7.1%                 6.2%             6.4%

Persons under 18 years old, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                            24.6%               23.7%           23.5%

Persons 65 years and older, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                             12.0%               14.1%           13.7%

Female persons, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                                              52.0%               51.2%           50.8%


White alone, 2010 (a) (U.S. 2012)                                                              37.3%               82.7%           77.9%

Black or African American alone, 2012 (a)                                                   53.3%               12.2%           13.1%

American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                          0.3%                 0.2%             1.2%

Asian alone, 2010 (a) (U.S. 2012)                                                                 1.8%                 1.7%             5.1%

Two or more races, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                                           2.8%                 2.1%             2.4%

Hispanic or Latino, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                                          10.0%                 3.1%           16.9%

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, 2010 (U.S. 2012)                                 33.4%               81.1%           63.0%


Foreign-born persons, 2008–2012                                                                4.6%                 3.9%           12.9%

Language other than English spoken at home, age 5+, 2008–2012             11.9%                 6.6%           20.5%


High school graduate or higher, age 25+, 2008–2012                                 76.7%               88.2%           85.7%

Bachelor’s degree or higher, age 25+, 2008–2012                                      14.0%               24.7%           28.5%


Homeownership rate, 2008–2012                                                               45.3%               68.0%           65.5%

Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2008–2012                      $80,900          $133,700       $181,400

Persons per household                                                                                     2.3                  2.46               2.61

Per capita money income in past 12 months, 2008–2012                         $16,812            $25,857         $28,051

Median household income, 2008–2012                                                    $26,556            $48,246         $53,046

Persons below the poverty level, 2008–2012                                               34.2%               15.4%           14.9%


(a) Includes persons reporting only one race.

(b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau: State and County QuickFacts